Message: Shares Shorted

Today, I had a chance to watch the trading, a little bit this morning and a little bit towards closing bell.

The traders for the most part started shorting lightly this morning after the first few buy orders (to slow the upward momentum) then stepped aside because of the big buy orders and then started shorting the stock towards the afternoon to try and cap the share price here @ .0034

Like a broken record, the traders will hold off shorting at the get go when ever there is news out on the wires and they will watch the volume closely waiting for it to tapper off, looking for the window of opportunity to make their move as a pack, to start a new round of shorting to take the price back down, this is how they play their game.

On the flip side, my Silverado investment stategy, since I am a long term holder and I know the shorts game, I will wait for the traders to short the stock and take the share price down and then I will step in to accumulate more shares to add to my long poition.

Traders hope to cap Silverado share price here @ .0034 and if the buying volume isn't there tomorrow morrning they will launch their attack, thats when I will step in to buy more shares.

This investment senario is only good until the company finds the right financing and puts the news out on the wires and that is when this investment strategy changes for everyone, because everyone who isn't aboard already will be chasing the stock price up the chart to climb aboard for the ride to the moon $$$$

There is a big buy candle stick for tomorrow's trading, lets see if there is a carry through from today with a lot more buyers.

As I said before, I keep my primary focus on the fundamentals.

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