Message: Silverado has Arrived at the "Mining Sweet Spot"

Mining’s Sweet Spot

"The classic model of building a mine has a sweet spot in the development project pathway. This spot is sweet because of multiple factors; not only are there the possibilities of price gain ahead as the mine comes into production, but the risks are now also lower as some of the uncertainties along the development path with bringing a mine to fruition are overcome." (Goombarh's Edge)


I personally believe that Silverado, for the most part, has arrived at the "Mining Sweet Spot" for share price gains once the company finds the right financing and makes a public announcment. Silverado built an infrustructure many years ago all paid for and recently built a tunnel at Workman's Bench to intercept the four massive Antimony-Gold veins and ready to be mined and exported to market. Once the company lands financing there is only one way for the share price to go, TO THE MOON $$$$ GRIM


Silverado News, Aug. 27, 2010 (excerpt) "As metallurgical work on the Nolan ore has shown it to be amenable to easy separation of its constituents, we have been able to achieve high rates of gold and antimony recovery using only water and gravity, thereby eliminating the need for the use of chemicals. Our continued efforts to develop and implement such practices, have allowed us to build an excellent working relationship with the governmental officials without whose invaluable input and assistance, success would not be possible."

Workman's Bench Tunnel located on the south-end of Solomon's Shear that is part of the 11 Square mile Nolan Creek property. There are 4 massive rich Gold-Antimony veins located within the 570 foot tunnel ready to be extracted.

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

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