Message: Re: Shares Shorted
Sep 01, 2010 11:41PM
Sep 02, 2010 12:00AM

Hey Silver- The market makers have been front running our Silverado buy orders with short sales. Over the past several years I've seen them use this dirty tatic time-and-time-again on the ticker tape to minipulate the stock price to cancel out the upward momentum of a buy order pending that they can see on their computer screen. Their game plan is to nutrilize the buying power so they can remain in control of painting the chart. The proper term is "Painting the Tape" but I like to call it "Painting the chart."This is why I like to use the "Accum/Dist Indicator" to see the real picture of buying vs selling.

This is the problem with the OTC market and why many articles have been written about the on going corruption that is so pervasive in this market. With profits drying-up in the financial markets over the past few years, it is my belief, that more and more market makers/brokerage houses will turn to the OTC to subsidies their income or off set their losses from other markets by front running their short positions to make a buck. The SEC has done nothing to correct this corruption.

Silverado has the goods in the ground both Gold and Antimony certified by the Independent Geologist Tom Bundtzen NI 43-101 pre-fesibility study and from other company reports.

There are many wise investors who will recognize the value of these bargin prices given to the market by the short traders who will gobble up the shares which will ultimately work against the shorts plan and in the end.... destroy them.

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

Here is a different type of scam Market Makers use to front run buy orders primarly used in the OTC market called "Sub-Pennying" this will give you a basic idea of how the MMs game the markets.

Sep 02, 2010 02:38PM
Sep 02, 2010 02:49PM
Sep 02, 2010 03:05PM
Sep 02, 2010 06:22PM
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