Message: to the board

Judge? lol

I remember all the infighting this board used to have, and for me and most it was not an enjoyable place to be, and the content kept many people from participating then, vs now.

IMO, we are past all that, we have some new members and certainly need to attrack more, and again IMO the way to do that is avoid the personal comments, and stay focused on discussing Silverado and all related subject matter.

Look at how many flags we have now vs back then.

Look at how we handle dive bombers who come here as newbies to bash the company and us members here.

I'd hate to see us revert back to the days everyone disliked....

In my 37 year career, I never bad mouthed a competitor. Instead, I stressed the features and benefits of my product offering, gave references of clients, past contracts etc, and pointed out how my employer and I handle our business. At that point, they either honored me with the order or they did not. As time went on, my get rate, the market share, increased every year. This is how I conducted my self making a living, and how I participate here.

I am not trying in any way to offend anyone, or censor them, but offer my thoughts on what this group worked so hard to become, and do not want to see it revert back.

I've said enough.....


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