Message: Silverado Gold Mines LTD Preparing to go into Production at its Nolan Project

Antimony Factoids


Chinese offers stayed firm and buyers became increasingly desperate, market participants told us. My guess is that Chinese are going to ratchet this up, and it'll probably go to $12,000."said one trader. "You really have to fight to buy 20 tonnes." This is a joke. We used to buy 100-tonne lots.


The domestic market for antimony oxide is approximately 70,000,000 pounds per year (valued at more than $200,000,000), and is growing at an annual rate of 6.8% per year. Antimony metal, sodium antimonate, and various other products account for another 20,000,000 pounds per year.

The Chinese supply 89% of the world production of antimony ore. China's production is declining, and the country is consuming more of their own production.


As Beijing has clamped down on polluting mining, the antimony price has risen to a high of nearly $11,000 a tonne, a 150 per cent increase since January 2009.A decade ago the metal, for which there are no real substitutes, traded as low as $1,200.


Silverado could help fill orders for this huge world wide demand for Antimony

Using some quick simple arithmetic calculations showing the possibilities for what kind of money Silverado could be making before deducting over head expenses, of course we all know that the actual numbers will vary but it is fun to try figure the potential for the kind of profits the company could be making once they go into production.

Antimony World Market Demand- 70,000,000 lbs. + 20,000,000 lbs. = 90,000,000 lbs. Div. 2,000 = 45,000 tons/year

45,000 tons x $11,000 = $(do the math)$

Silverado average Antimony/ton = 66% x $11,000 = $7,260/ton

$7,260 x 200 ton per day mill = $1,452,000/day profits for a simple production operation before deducting over expenses, and this doesn't include the gold on the Nolan Creek Project!!

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

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