Message: Why Gold is better than Cash

Morris Hubbartt states the following:

Gold has a solid Super Force Buy Signal as of Friday Nov. 12th and has moved much higher for you since I issued my key buy.

  • Gold is proving more and more to be the most valued asset. Although some people are figuring it out, I believe Gold is still undervalued, and the fact is that only about 2% of investors own any gold!

  • The physical gold that exists compared to the enormous amount of debt is tiny. Remember that value and valuation can differ from market price for a long time, but eventually the debt monster meets its gold maker.

  • Consider the long term debt and liabilities such as Medicare and Social Security, just in America! The picture is 130 trillion dollars of debt horrors over the next thirty years, and maybe sooner, a lot sooner, if paper money fails.

  • The known amount of gold in the world is approximately 13-14 trillion by my own accounting and possibly quite a bit less. Now look at the debt and liability I mentioned above. This is not the world’s debt; this is just America’s debt!

  • Gold will likely be dramatically higher in the next many years. One thing that continues to baffle me is the lack of interest and knowledge of Gold on Wall Street. All you have to do is turn on CNBC or Bloomberg and will notice the following:

  • The majority of financial advisers who manage individual’s accounts are actually advising clients away from Gold and not to it. Widow and orphan money is still being ushered into bonds, for perceived safety!

  • In my opinion, Bonds and Currencies have a terrible future.

  • When you consider the limited amount of Gold and Silver in the system and the oversupply of debt and government spending, I don’t know how you could miss the necessity to own gold. My advice continues to be, get yourself the gold you need, gold using my buy program, before it goes dramatically higher.

  • Those who are light on gold should be more aggressive to get what they need in their asset base. My Surge Index System is the ideal way to get your Gold purchased. Get the job done and have fun doing it! I firmly believe a minimum of 30% of one’s assets should be in this sector.

  • This is not an exclusively American story. It is a worldwide crisis. So my Gold positions are larger today than they were a year ago. I have bought more Gold on all meaningful pullbacks. I’ve bought in the last weeks into the mini-hit, as I have outlined to you, and urged you to do the same.

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