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Several years ago when the whole finacial world was in total melt down mode, the world wide mafia was busy plundering all the markets/countries wealth via naked shorting through unregulated hedge funds using unregualted OTC derivaties. These are the new weapons the mafia have added to their weapons arsenal. Naked shorting stocks is something that has been around for over a hundred years, the point is this, wherever huge amounts of easy money can be made, corruption will be their, we see all kinds of scammers who work the streets pan handling to stealing grandma's purse and etc, case in point, when Alaska discovered the crude oil on the North Slope, Anchorage saw all the scammers of the world show up on their streets and on the slope looking for easy money to steal, on Wall Street we see the white collar scammers looking to steal easy money from the defenseless, the bankers and the giant brokerage houses are suppose to guard the policies to police against fraud and we all know that is no better than leaving the wolf to guard the hen house, it was a matter of time before the mafia muscled its way into the back offices of Wall Street for their piece of the action.

What worries me today.... is our future, what will happen to Joe Sixpac? the TV headlines talked about the $trillions that was lost in the market melt down, that wealth went somewhere, MHO it was electrinically transfered strait into the mafia's off shore bank accounts using the new unregulated investment tools (hedge funds, OTC derivatives) that European countries are trying desperately to outlaw.

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I've been a Silverado shareholder a long time and I have watched these bad guys minipulate Silverado stock price to control the chart, I personaly believe that a mafia type has been working to destroy the company in order to take the WORLD'S TRUE WEALTH away from it via naked shorting, we know it is the natural resources that is the true wealth and not this paper monopoly money the goverments forceon its citizens to use, the recent stampede of buyers this past week tells me that these brokerage houses that are naked shorting are into deep now to let the fresh new buyers push the stock price higher, the only thing they have left in their bag of tricks is to continue pushing the price down on good news, it is nothing more than a sociological game to scare new buying pressure away to protect their huge naked short position.

I would venture to guess that these bad guys are extremely upset that Garry keeps finding ways to discovering more of the new wealth on thier property that makes the company that much more valuable. MHO in the end, the naked shorts will be forced to buy Silverado stock to cover once Garry finds the right financing to move the company into production, Silverado will make a killing in profits from the $12,000/ton Antimony prices and the $1.400/oz. Gold prices. Bottomline, the company has the basic infrustruture in place and it is all paid for which translates to less over head costs and more of the wealth transfered to profits!! I look to Silverado to help save me from the world wide financial plunder

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$


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