Message: Pure Desperation by the MMs Naked Shorting Silverado Gold Mines LTD Stock

If I was looking to short a stock and I saw huge volume of buyers come in to buy approx. 80 million Silverado shares in one day's trading, I would logically wait tell the volume peaked and then start the shorting but what we saw last Tuesday, on a 113 million share traded day, didn't make any logical sense to me because the shorting started right away once the MMs saw the stampede of fresh buyers picking up large lots of Silverado shares, so what gives? MHO I believe the MMs naked shorting are in way over their heads and they are swimming in HUGE-GIGANTIC ocean of naked short positions trying to kill the company, and they can't afford to let Silverado stock move higher, the shorts have no other option left but to throw more naked shorts at the stock to counter the fresh buying to keep the share price in check, this way they don't get squeezed, and forced to cover their ocean of naked short positions. I believe we are wittnessing first hand is pure desperation by the bad guys naked shorting Silveradeo stock and are forced to try and drive the price down into the cellar to bankrupt the company, if Garry finds the right financing, we could see the mother of all short squeezes happen in Silverado stock because the MMs would be forced to front run their buy orders to cover and the stock price would be on a one way super highway road to the moon, I am waiting patiently for the bast-off !!" />


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