Message: The 7 `Ds`` of the Developing Disaster & Reasons to own Gold

Excellent article you have passed on fastfoot. My question to all on this board, is, "how much of ones portfolio & life savings should be in precious metals and PM stocks"? This article is leaning towards eventually having 100% of ones assets in this investment catagory "at the bottom of the pyramid". I would guess those that agree with the article would have some, or most of their assets invested accordingly, based on how firm they believe in this investment philosophy. I agree with the above and have approx. 80% invested as such and the rest in cash. The Devolutuion of the cash to silver and gold bullion will eventually bring my investments to 100% in precious metals and related stocks,how much in physical VS. stocks remains to be seen. What are the thoughts of this board? 50-50 in stocks and physical holdings? Getting out of paper (stocks ETF's etc.) completely and eventually hold 100% in physical bullion & coins? The very "tip" of the inverted triangle !!!!! If everyone leaned in this direction, eventually there would be no gold & silver available to buy, albeit very expensive if any is left. Thoughts ????????

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