Message: Take Action: Fight Back Against EPA's War on the Mining Industry

We need your help!

The Environmental Protection Agency is set to issue new guidance that will dramatically expand the federal powers of the Clean Water Act and create significant regulatory barriers to economic growth across the entire economy. This is the latest in a series of actions taken by the EPA and the Obama Administration aimed directly at destroying America's mining industry. It has become apparent that the unelected bureaucrats running the EPA will use any option at their disposal to expand federal powers and regulate the mining industry out of business - and over 500,000 of our nation's miners out of job. We need you to contact your representative and urge them to oppose this new guidance.

Despite the fact that this guidance will significantly impair job creation and development in mining communities across the country, the EPA is attempting to sneak this through without any public involvement or congressional oversight by your representatives. The EPA and the Obama Administration is hoping that the Holiday season will catch us off guard, that's why we need you to contact your Member of Congress today and make your voice heard!

Contacting your members of congress via our Action Center is easy and takes only a moment. We need a strong show of support demonstrating that the un-elected bureaucrats running the EPA are going too far. We urge you to contact your representative and urge them to stop EPA from issuing this or any other further guidance that would harm America's mining industry and thousands of jobs it provides.

We need you to make your voice heard!

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