Message: 2011: The Year For Silverado Shareholders

Thanks Werner & 3x10e6 for the great updated posts - just returned from Silverado Beach in Aruba. Realistically it looks promising for the Silverado Wise Guys finally to party this coming Dec there. Financing, as we all know, is the key for our mutual ultimate success - our patience will be rewarded when that happens. Financing options have gone on now for over 1 1/2 years but just look at gold & antimony - we are in DEMAND. We simply have too much up in Alaska to fail - we all know we've barely scratched the surface - imagine going down 1000 -1500 feet below the established rich long gold antimony veins, some stretching for miles - gold & antimony are guaranteed to continue rising as will our PROFITS.

Our expert geologist 3x10e6 will help keep us up to date as results come forth -- especially those recently from Eagle Creek.

Yes -- 2011 is our year IMHO. We're at the perfect place at the perfect time. While the rest of the world drowns in debt we will rising with beautiful profits. Gold is much preferable to any fiat currency & antimony is becoming a strategically rare metal.

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