Message: Positive Signs

1) Camp & all instructure PAID

2) CLAIMS in good standing (12 sq. miles)

3) 5 yr. PERMIT issued & in hand for exploratory drilling & 3,000 T UBS

4) 1 yr. GROUND WATER DRAINAGE STUDY complete - ph 6.9-7.0 - (ideal)

5) Sb - No blinding of screens. Tubular grains (ideal antimony ore shape - not bladed)

6) RECOVERY MILL - Gravity & water only. See pictures of table concentrate on page 11

7) LITHOLOGY - Flat lying metasediment (turbidate) on page 9. See strategraphy on back (roof) & floor, & Sb quartz-carbonate gangue on right rib of tunnel. Good ground for mining.

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