Message: The DEMAND for COAL

It is simply appauling that due to political corruption & short sightedness the U.S. could not use its vast coal resources better - having some 27% of the world's coal with 1/2 of this being low rank coal, subbutuminous & lignite - perfect for CTLF.

There is no doubt they could become energy independant, employ tens of tjousands of people & become healthier economically - keep their money within their own borders.

CHINA's demand for energy is mindboggling - perhaps Silverado could provide China with help on 3 fronts almost immediately:

1) superior high technology re Silverado's Green Fuel

2) Antimony - to fill the 45% decrease in China's production

3) Gold - to help build up China's reserves & protect them againmst the weakening U.S. Dollar

Sounds great to me.

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