Message: CTO Question

Here is my answer to your ? DIRTY TRICKS

Posted: Apr 09 2009 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: April 9, 2009 at 7:30 pm

Filed under: General Editorial

Extremely Important

Be Prepared

The end is close for the effectiveness of Naked, Pool and No Up-tick Short Selling

There are still extremely large (legal and otherwise) short positions in junior gold & silvers plus junior producers of both remaining uncovered as the ability TO POUND LOWER is coming to an end.

The short of gold on the COMEX, the short of gold in everything gold and silver is incestuous.

We have differences from time to time in market views, but I believe you respect my understanding of the technical characteristics and mind of the opposition in precious metals.

With a maximum of 60 days for comment on the reinstatement of a form, but an effective form, of the Up Tick Rule, cover needs to be accomplished in the next 90 days for the extremely large short position in the modest or low-volume trading silver and gold issues.


COMPANIES TO COVER, now have only one option left.


You will recognize the dirty trick when it occurs.

You witnessed it in Royal Gold (RGLD) when it occurred. You have seen it in multiple silver

issues. The South African shares have not been immune.

No precious metal share is immune for the next 90 days, none, no exceptions

Posted: Apr 10 2009 By: Jim Sinclair Post Edited: April 10, 2009 at 8:52 pm

Filed under: General Editorial

Dear CIGAs,

Why would an organized short seller not cover in the marketplace even after having accomplished extremely low prices in Gold juniors?

The main purpose of this new multi-year attack of the entire investment group of junior exploration, development and even producing shares has as its goal “To prevent the field from obtaining financing.”

The plan of the organized shorts is not to re-buy their short positions back in the marketplace but rather to by preventing the companies from normal financing do the following:

1. Force by necessity the company to do participation financing on predatory terms on extremely exciting properties.

2. Force the company by necessity to do private placements with warrants and options that favored the private placee to the degree of dilution to the present stockholder that is egregious.

3. Force by necessity the company to accept loans terms based on their property sure to result because of short timeline in the failure on the note and title on the property to pass to the hands of the private loan note placement party.

This explains the enigma of no cover.

The strategy of defense has been to determine any and all other means of financing rather than the normal chain of broker dealer networks now making more money from the perpetrators than the operating companies.

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