Message: more short info

Koala, it now apears that the legal shorts 1.3 million, daytrader/traders who may have been privy to BCTSC inside info. of a CTO in advance? have now covered their short sell positions.

As I have speculated in an earlier post, why would a trader short the stock for a new record high of 1.3 million shares [previous history short sale highs aprrox. 200,000] when they knew the potential for losses would be the greates to their bet when they knew in fact that the company put out three mining models of which one model mentions the possibility of making $400 millon plus per week and the company has already put out the prodiction costs earlier last year all leading-up to working on financing to start mining the four massive Antimony-Gold veins on Workman's Bench where the tunnel is located on their property that has most of the infrustructer in place and paid for? unless.... they were privy to inside info. that a CTO was coming.

I also speculated that if they cover their short bets, which the recent Pink Sheets show a huge reduction in legal shorting, this could be the first indication from the illegal insider short trader that the CTO is being lifted? our why would they cover their short bets now? Aren't the bashers chanting the death of the company on other boards? so why would they cover their short positons now if they expect the death of the company and the chance to make more money on the down side? unless they know that the BCTSC is going to lift the CTO.


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