Message: A few more Years?

I don't know about the rest of the shareholders but a few of us are retired and that must surely give our ages away. I for one cringe at the thought of the word "years" being used in regards to Silverado. I don't have "years" to wait. But, at the same time I am not "hanging my hat" on Silverado. If it happens it happens. It won't be the end of the world for me if it does go down the drain as the bashers/shorts would like. Personnaly, this company has TOO MUCH IN THE GROUND not to make it. Garry would like to be a Millionaire many times over too. He wouldn't have to worry about the day to day company business as he does now. Don't think for one minute he is happy with what he has now. Greed has a funny way of DRIVING people. Enough is never ENOUGH !!!!!!! (oops, I used that word years again)

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