Message: Great info from 2000 man

Jim- if their are short sellers in the Britsh Columbia province, they are in a state of panic about now, with the new naked shorting rules that went into affect today, unless they can find a dealer from the east-coast to handle their transactions; its my understanding that the CTO only applies to the BC area, you can't buy shares but they can sell and in this situation that won't help the traders who are holding a bag of short sales in the BC area. LOL

As the share price heads higher I would expect more naked short covering thus squeezing the legal shorts to scramble to buy Silverado Gold Mines LTD stock to cover!!! So, now that the back door is closed on the MMs naked shorting, one would expect a volume of 143 million share traded day [like last time] to truely reflect much high stock price on all the momentum buying because the MMs won't be able to counter it this time with naked shorting!! MHO

$$ Ka-Ching Ka-Ching $$

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