Message: Guyana Goldfields, Semafo, Force Protection

All sub $1 stocks at one time, and all have surpassed $10, FRPT $30. Guyana & Force back down in the $5 range now, but, all made someone a happy camper. No telling if SLGLF can be a comparable stock, % wise, IMHO. Geopolitical unrest, oil surges, Dollar collapses, all could lead to a rush to gold as a safehaven. A mad rush for gold & gold stocks pushing prices to unimagined levels for both! Stranger things have happened. The world financial markets are like a "house of cards" waiting to fall apart. Riots and demonstrations due to food prices. Gas at almost $3.50 a gallon. Unemployment still over 9% as reported by the Govt. and 18.8% by the people looking for "FULL TIME" jobs. Then again things could get so bad, the market could crash and the "baby get thrown out with the bathwater". Only time will tell. Do YOU want to wait ????????? GLTA, koala

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