Message: "Imperturbable" Garry Anselmo

If there was one word to describe Garry Anselmo it would be "imperturbable" IMHO.

. imperturbable - not easily perturbed or excited or upset; marked by extreme calm and composure; "an imperturbable self-possession"; "unflappable in a crisis"
composed - serenely self-possessed and free from agitation especially in times of stress; "the performer seemed completely composed as she stepped onto the stage"; "I felt calm and more composed than I had in a long time"
Garry Anselmo has been involved with geology since he was a teenager. He has spent more than 40 years acquiring properties, exploration & building necessary infrastructures for Silverado Gold Mines - to-day that would amount to a minimum of $500M to $1B - utterly impossible for a small firm to start to-day. Had he the monies available of a Barrick gold Mines, he would have been in vigorous production since around the year 2,000. Much time & effort has also been spent exploring the exciting prospects of Silverado's Green Fuel which currently is on the back burner - the U.S. sadly does not have the political will to go forward with CTLF at present & become energy independant for the next 200 -300 years - rather they would rather pay $100/barrel for oil.
Some have questioned why he didn't sue people like David Baines for libelous comments. IMO most people would have but such action requires considerable time & money - both factors that take one's eyes off the ball. Instead, Garry has remained focused on the real tasks at hand & has taken the high road by ignoring the viscious bashing of so many. Perhaps down the road those individuals will be held accountable - who knows?
There can be no doubt that most shareholders realize the immense potential of Silverado's properties -- especially the Nolan. Tom Bundzten has been a part of this validation. With gold & antimony at near record high prices, we can only wish Garry & Silverado's dedicated staff the best of luck in removing the CTO ASAP, obtaining the necessary financing to proceed & thereby rewarding the patient shareholders. The B.C. Sec also have a serious responsibility to respond in a timely fashion! It will be 2 months to-morrow & it is my understanding they are in possession of all necessary documentation - for almost 2 weeks(this Tuesday)
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