Message: A larger picture IMO

I've been seeing a lot of concerns here that IMO are missing the bigger picture. Yes, I hope I'm right for many of us longs. My belief remains; that regardless of all the clutter, Silverado will ultimately participate in this Gold rush when the masses catch on. IMO

I share the following recent note from an investor I highly admire, Fred Hickey.

"In all my years of investing I have never seen an asset hit record highs, as gold has done recently, with less fanfare. There was no front page stories in the Wall Strret Journal or Financial Times heralding the new milestones. Whenever the CNBC commentators spoke of record gold (as infrequently as possible) they always made sure to note that it was a "nominal" new high. Yet the "nominal" tag is never used when discussing any other asset price. Gold just doesn't get any respect, but as long as that is the case, we don't have to fear that this great secular bull market is nearing an end." - Fred Hickey

Apr 06, 2011 10:22AM

Apr 06, 2011 11:45AM
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