Message: Sulverado Green Fuel Would Benefit from GOP Bill H.R. 3409

House GOP's Coal Bill To Block EPA Sets Message For Election, Next Congress

The House in a 233-175 vote Sept. 21 approved the GOP's package of measures to fight what they say is the Obama administration's “war on coal” through costly utility and mining sector rules -- including a host of EPA regulations -- setting the Republicans' message for the election and also hinting at bills GOP lawmakers are likely to revive in the 113th Congress.

The bill, H.R. 3409, bundles together a number of existing legislative efforts to block EPA coal regulations -- including some the House has previously approved. For example, it includes H.R. 2401, which would require a cumulative impacts assessment of several key EPA rules and block rules until that analysis is complete; and H.R. 910, which would bar the agency from issuing rules targeting greenhouse gases, with the exception of some vehicle rules.

The package also adopts a long-sought Senate compromise bill limiting EPA's authority to regulate coal ash disposal, which may help build bicameral support for the coal ash measure even though the overall package of bills is unlikely to pass the Senate. Even if the bill clears Congress before the election, the White House has raised the political stakes by issuing a veto threat.

Garry Anselmo must be writing this movie script!! LOL

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