Message: Re: Another golden Cross
Sep 21, 2012 06:09PM


Here is my view, it appears that the Fed tried to prevent the "Golden Cross" from happening on Gold's daily chart but they failed; just like the short sellers tried to keep the 2 "Golden Cross" from happening on the Silverado daily chart but they failed.


John Embry interview with King World News

Finally the mining shares have rallied. We had been saying they were grotesquely oversold, and you know my view that it was not natural selling. There was financial repression, in a huge way, going on in that sector."

"Now the unnatural selling we have seen is starting to be relieved. If I'm right on my gold and silver call, and Im confident that I am, the explosion in the share prices is going to be historic."

Sep 21, 2012 09:41PM
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