Message: Silverado Gold Mines 'Daily' Chart for Sept 3, 2012

All of the gold mining sectors were down for the today

The HUI+XAU+JSE combined = approx 36 gold mining companies, of these 36, there was only 2 gold mining companies that were up for the day; adding Silvreado Gold Mines makes three gold mine companies bucking the trend!!

As you can see from the 'Daily' chart below, the 20 DMA line has been the support/floor for the share price the past 2-3 weeks.... this is a very bullish technical pattern!! This is what the professional momentum-technical investors will be looking for, when the gold mining stocks explode to the upside.

Both the 20-50 DMA indicators have been advancing further north above the 200 DMA line, another bullish technical pattern. Note that both the 20-50 DMA have been climbing at a steep 50 degree angle on the chart sincw last August.

$$ Ka-Ching $$ Ka-Ching $$

The 20 DMA @ .0028

The 50 DMA @ .0021

The 200 DMA @ ,0017

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