Message: Communist Plans to Cut World off from Strategic Metals: The Future of Antimony

Garry Aneslmo kept the majority of the claims, the meat and potatoes with the cream, therefore, Silverado Gold Mines and its shareholders "are in total control" of the Gold and Anyimony load sources.

Just like all mining companies, once they have found the main load sources, the mineral deposits, they discard the remaing claims they deem unproductive. That is the nature of the mining industry.

Case in point, it is obvious that Silverado Gold Mines has done enough work on the Ester Dome project to know where the main load sources are located.....

Today, we can see the results of the decision Garry made to discard the unproductive claims, Miranda was quick to pick them up, and Agnico-Eagle quickly joined forces with Miranda to start drilling exploration on their newly acquried Ester Dome claims, hoping to tap into the same gold vein zone that silverado Gold Mines poured $10 million in gold bars from, the section of Ester Dome property claims the company kept for their shareholders. Miranda Agnico-Eagle soon realized that Garry Anselmo was correct in his analysis to discard those claims he deemd unproductive.

Regarding the Nolan Creek Gold-Antmony Project, it is obvious, that the company has done the preliminary work by the geologist, the drilling exploration completed todate, the exploration tunnel at Workman's Bench, discovering the mineralized zones for the Gold-Antimony load sources have been defined, so the company made the decision to discarded the claims that they feel would be unproductive. That is the nature of the mining industry.

Mineral Resource and Reserve Estimates and Preliminary Feasibility Study, Workman’s Bench Antimony– Gold Lode Deposit, Nolan Creek

Mr. Garry Anselmo CEO/President of Silverado Gold Mines, obtained his bachelor of arts degree from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada, and studied geology and geochemistry at the University of British Columbia in 1962-63. He worked in Geochemical field explorations during the summer of 1966. He graduated in 1968.

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