Message: Nolan Creek Underground Placer Mining, Winter of 2005-2006

While searching the net, I found some older info that may be of interest to the newbies. GRIM

Nolan Creek Underground Placer Mining, Winter of 2005-2006
"The company produced 3,710.74 ounces of placer gold, the majority of which is the typical coarse nugget gold derived from Nolan Creek valley."


"Silverado's twelve square mile, 100% owned Nolan Property has yielded over $15 million in gold. This was produced during past Silverado test mining activities. The area, over its pre-Silverado historical 'gold rush mining', produced 120,000 oz of gold, and generated a 136 oz gold nugget, the second largest ever found in Alaska. Silverado discovered the tenth largest gold nugget, at 41 oz."

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