Message: U.S. Could Nationalize the Gold & Silver Mines

Grim Reaper's crystal ball, a view that I've shared with many involved with Silverado the past few years.

Countries and empires have been fighting over the scarcity of natural resources the past 5,000 years. One thing I have learned following geopolitics for many decades, the fact that "Politcs and Natural Resources are joined at the hip" A phrase I've coined. I see one-of-two scenarios that have a high probability of happening. First Scenario- I believe we could see the U.S. Government nationalize/confiscate Gold and Silver mines to back a new currency, if Fort Knox is empty like many of the experts believe it to be. Second Senario- China will try to take Alaska away for its rich natural resources in exchange for the U.S. Government's IOUs. This thought is based upon the same idea the IMF has used against 3rd world countries, after they have defaulted on payment, the IMF would waltz right in and take part of the countries rich natural resources in payment for their IOU. Of course the US would not willingly hand over their Natural Resources to China. China would have to take it by force, during a world war 3 confrontation, which could be right around the corner. If you did not know this fact, China has already been making plans for the race to grab the Artic riches, and guess what? Alaska happens to be in the same neighborhood. The sabber rattling has been getting louder between the two countries.

China has plans to continue growing as the world's manufacturing industry, which means they need all of the metals that are left in the world to keep the industrial wheels turning. Russia has been making the move to control the last of the world's crude oil and natural gas. The two cummunist countries working together are making the big push to control all the earth's natural resources.

To help move this NWO control along, I believe the giant derivitaive fiasco is part of the plan to undermine the economies of the US and the western countries to bring about a one world currency and for total control of the economies under one Government. So I don't think the Feds are to terribly concerned about a financial collapse, because this is all part of the game plan, to keep this charade going as long as possible, to make sure the damage is complete///irreversible!! Why do I think this ? Because the powers to be have not done one thing to correct the fiancial problem. Instead they made the finacial mess worse by throwing more $$$ on the fire, QE1, QE2, QE3, QE4 all to help destroy the national currencies, to hasten their demise.

I keep hoping that the powers to be would come to their senses and lockup the Wall Street bank swindlers. But the financial debt problem continues to grow by leaps and mounds. Which makes my two scenarios above even more plausible today than two years ago.

It really dosen't matter which of the two scenarios above plays out, either way, time is running out for the mining companies and their shareholders to make money.

Yes, I know the experts are seeing a different kind of disaster unfolding. Maybe their right and I am wrong? But I believe I see the bigger geopolitical picture that is unfolding that they are not taking into account. I hope I am wrong !!

Grim Reaper


Feds ‘lose’ audits for Fort Knox Gold
Published on Jul 2, 2015

The blog,, recently published a report on a Freedom of Information Act request they recently filed with the US government. They were seeking seven reports from federal audits of the gold at Fort Knox. The government’s response? They can’t find those reports – even though they reference those reports as evidence of the gold stored at Fort Knox in a number of ways. The Resident discusses. Follow The Resident at

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