Message: From J S Mineset

SideNote: As Jim Sinclair said recently "We Are All Screwed to Some Degree Royally" and Jim Rogers recent thoughts, "this is going to be a disaster in the end. Central banks will panic. They will do whatever they can to save the market. I don’t know if they’ll even call it QE (Quantitative Easing) in the future… who knows what they’ll call it to disguise it… they’re going to try whatever they can… printing more money or lowering interest rates or buying more assets…"

I believe QE4 will be rolled out soon in time for Prez election in Nov. GRIM


Massive Global Money Printing Program Will Shock The World

Egon von Greyerz: Skillful manipulation and deceit by governments and central banks from 2006 – 2009 subsequently gave the world another few years of respite. But after 10 years of money printing, credit bubbles and financial repression, the powers that be have now run out of both ammunition and ideas.

Governments and central banks will naturally not give up this fight easily. But having already used up most of the weapons in their armory to little avail, all that remains now is the biggest money printing program in history. And this will be a global program with the Fed, the ECB, BoE, IMF, BoJ, PBOC, and many central banks participating.

This money printing extravaganza will be in at least the hundreds of trillions of dollars but probably into the quadrillions in an attempt to cover all the collapsing derivatives. The consequential currency collapse will inevitably lead to hyperinflation. Very few assets will maintain their purchasing power when this happens. The real winners will be gold and silver. Agricultural land is also likely to do very well.

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