Message: 21st Century Banking: A World Run By Parasites (Bullion Bulls Canada)

21st Century Banking: A World Run By Parasites - Bullion Bulls Canada

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Jeff Nielson is co-founder and managing partner of Bullion Bulls Canada; a website which provides precious metals commentary, economic analysis, and mining information to readers/investors. Jeff originally came to the precious metals sector as an investor around the middle of last decade, but soon decided this was where he wanted to make the focus of his career. His website is

November 20, 2015

Banks are parasites. Big Banks are very large parasites. It is the fundamental equation of human commerce in the 21 st century.

Bankers are the quintessential middle-men: contributing nothing to our economies, while blood-sucking us for assorted “fees”, and (most importantly) interest payments. Many readers will object to this characterization. They will argue that banks and bankers “facilitate” commerce, and thus (somehow) “earn” the vast sums of capital which relentlessly flow into their vaults.

Wrong. Bankers facilitate debt, and the parasitic interest payments which flow from that debt. Commerce facilitates itself. If someone wants to start a new business, that person simply invests his/her savings into that enterprise, and the business is started. If a corporation wants to expand its operations, it uses its profits to pay for that expansion. It’s called “capitalism.”

There is absolutely no role for banks or bankers in facilitating business unless the firm or individual in question chooses to finance that project with debt. More specifically, banks are only necessary when businesses/individuals need large quantities of debt.

If a profitable corporation seeks to expand its business, and has already accumulated enough profits to finance 80% of that expansion, that corporation will have no trouble at all raising additional capital without any banks/bankers. It can either simply issue some more shares to finance the expansion, or conduct a “private placement” where it directly approaches investors for financing, with no need for bankers to be involved, at all, in those transactions.

With little debt required for the business expansion, this translates into little or no risk to the project, thus there is no need to have supposedly expert bankers “assess the viability” of the project, and thus claim a significant piece of the pie for themselves. A (largely) cash-based economy translates into a banker-free economy.

Again, many readers will scoff at such analysis. An economy which finances itself on a cash basis? It’s so impractical. It’s so naïve. It’s so “19 th century”.

Everyone knows that our 21 st century economy needs “credit” in order to function, endless mountains of credit, with parasitic interest payments attached to every unit of currency of that debt. How do we know this? The bankers tell us this, every day of our lives. Without more and more and more debt, they tell us, our economies will fail.


What does one inevitably produce from “more and more and more debt”? Bankruptcy. We need this? In fact, in any sane universe, it is understood (even by reasonably bright children) that what we “need” is to avoid debt – and the parasitic interest payments attached to it – as much as possible.

But the bankers (and their Apologists) are not yet finished with their brainwashing/programming. We need to accumulate mountains of debt in order to fuel a “healthy rate of growth” in our economies.

This is one of the most-absurd and most-perverse aspects of banking mythology. As a matter of the simplest arithmetic; economic growth derived from accumulating debt is totally unsustainable – the opposite of “healthy”. The bankers have conned us into embracing a permanent paradigm of (unhealthy) unsustainable growth.

The cost? Again, the math is elementary. Attempting to “have more” for ourselves, today, by borrowing our way to a higher rate of growth guarantees that our children will “have less” tomorrow – and even less for our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. When we mortgage the present (with debt), it is our children whom we force to pay-off that mortgage.

Once upon a time; we lived in cultures which universally pursued an unstated goal: to try to ensure that our children had better lives than ourselves. Then we started listening to the bankers. In the “me-first” societies which the bankers have programmed into us to fuel our addiction to debt, the mantra is “live for today” and “to Hell with the future” (i.e. the lives of our children).

It is only with economies based upon a sustainable growth model (i.e. a cash-based economy) that it becomes possible to return to healthy economies , and healthy societies, where the lives of each new generation of children are better rather than worse. Once upon a time, we understood this.

Officially, we are supposed to be living in capitalist economies, economies which are supposedly based upon and run on capital. What is “capital”? It is savings. It is profits. Not “credit”. Not debt. Cash based.

We no longer have anything even resembling capitalist economies. Instead, we have creditist economies , where everything is financed off of “credit” (debt), and thus the parasitic bankers blood-suck their interest payments from any-and-every business transactions. Worse, as this debt accumulates, an ever-increasing percentage of the “fruits of our labours” is consumed (uselessly) paying interest on debt.

The inevitable result? A relentless, downward spiral in our standard of living. In the 40+ years since the bankers assassinated the last vestige of our gold standard; the standard of living across the Western world has fallen by more than half .

Why is this date/event of such significance? The gold standard was nicknamed “the Golden Handcuffs” by legendary gold-hater, and economic charlatan, John Maynard Keynes. Why? Because a gold standard dramatically reduces the ability of our governments to issue more debt. With a gold standard ; our governments are forced to operate our economies (more or less) on a pay-as-you-go basis.

When we had a gold standard, our standard of living steadily rose. The lives of each, new generation of children got better – not worse. We still practiced “capitalism” rather than the (suicidal) creditism of today: relentlessly burying ourselves in debts, all of which are owed to the banking crime syndicate .

What do the bankers (and their media sycophants) call this creditist Hell which they have created? They call it “the New Normal” . They tell us that our lives are (now) supposed to get worse and worse. Our children’s lives are supposed to get worse and worse. Why? So we can continue making our ever-growing interest payments to the Parasites.

What is the New Normal, really? It is debt-slavery: all of the productive members of our society working harder and harder, just to be able to make their interest payments to the Parasites – with less and less left over for the productive people to live on. What sort of society would be insane enough to place the Parasites at the top of the (economic) food-chain? Obviously only a society which is run by the Parasites .

When does the insanity end? Another simple question, one that has already been answered by History, on numerous occasions. It’s called Debt Jubilee: freeing the “slaves” from their debt-slavery. It is a concept (and event) which traces back literally to Biblical times, because for more than 2,000 years, these Parasites have been enslaving humanity with their cancerous/destructive debt.

We don’t need Parasites. This is an obvious tautology. By definition, parasites sicken everything they infect. Only one tiny niche of our society could ever (sanely) believe that we “need” parasites: the Parasites themselves.

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