Message: Why Is the LowLife Short Seller mburns Still Hanging Around?
Nov 30, 2015 08:17PM

Nov 30, 2015 08:48PM

Hey Mainman- Regarding Silverado's Green Fuel, remember when the short sellers contacted Capital Hill to smear the Company? of course that included the help of lowlife snake mburns, to deter the finance committee from funding Silverado Green Fuel. They didn't stop there, remember they took their smear campaign to the Mississippi Governor's office? via phone calls and email. All this desperation just to protect their short sell postions??? Yehhh right !!

I remember watching the short sellers working in wolf-pacs via posting on the RB board. Orchestrating their efforts to take away all the investors money by driving the stock price down to nothing.

And the lowlife crooks managed to stop the stock from trading in Canada. Today, for some reason the lowlife short seller mburns still watches the Silverado chat boards like a snake, and has ben doing so for the past 16 yrs strait. I remember many yrs ago looking at the lowlife's RB portfolio of stocks he followed, (this was before RB completely revamped their website) and notice the fact that 99% of his energy was directed towards bashing Silverado, and calling the company a scam, because there was no gold on the Nolan Creek property. Boy wouldn't he look like a fool idiot in court today, if brought up on a boatload of charges against him.

So why should a short seller hang around?

Recently, the stock has been stopped from trading in the U.S. But the lowlife trash mburns is still posting on the RB board!! I was told today, he posted personal info. about the CEO of the company. And I wondered why is the lowlife snake mburns still hanging around? How is he benefiting from a stock that isn't trading anywhere? He surely can't make a dime short selling the stock!

Logic would dictate a short seller would have moved on to greener pastures several yrs ago to find a new defenseless company to short. Right??

Many of the shareholders including myself have come to the conclusion, that the lowlife trash murns is part of a hidden agenda. mburns is just a peon lowlife in the bigger picture. He is probably being payed peanuts for his evil work from a employer who wants to make sure Silverado Gold Mines is completely dead, bankrupcy dead!!

So those crooks who are pulling the strings of peon lowlife mburns, can walk away with all of the Nolan Creek leases for next to nothing, combining them with all the other leases taken away from other exploration companies that have already filed for bankrupt!!

I've said this for many yrs now, we are wittnessing the fight to control the last of the world's natural resources, which is true wealth. History has shown that "Politics and Natural Resources are joined at the hip." Thats is what drives geopolitcs... greed!!

And Silverado Gold Mines is sitting on an enormous treasure chest filled with Gold and Antimony... that the powers to be want all for themselves!! And mburns is just street trash, a peon in the equation of a much bigger picture. Thats why hes still hanging around.

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