Message: Re: Absolutely 2 factors will set gold off soon

Fastfoot, the elite (Wall Street Bankers & giant Corporations) control/minipulate the markets with their power, China & Russia are on board. Ever since the communist revealed their plans for world goverment back in the 40s & 50s, the U.S. has stood in the way (greed for wealth & power) of them achieving their objectives. Today, the U.S. still stands in the way. And that is why the U.S. is targeted for total financial distruction along with the other western countries.

The NWO probably has a time frame when they will destroy the house of fiat currencies bullt with debt. Most folks don't even know that central banks was one of the communist plans to control a nation's wealth.

Looking at the whole geopolitical landscape, the bigger picture, one can see its all about total control over the citizens of the world, and control of the earths real wealth "Naturtal Resources"

So the plans by the Chinese, is not a plan they are implementing by themselves, it is approved with the blessings of the NWO. One of the major parts of the plan is to destroy the U.S. Jim Rogers was one of the first to tell the public, what was it, 15 years ago? to move to China or learn how to speak Cantonese. Because he knew the NWO already planned far enough ahead for the power shift to move to the east. The U.S. corportations have sold out the U.S. They moved the giant industry to China. One of many parts of the plan to destroy the U.S. and the western governments.

But they must also shift all the gold out of the west first, the real wealth, before the NWO can effecively destroy the U.S. At that point, the NWO will rise from the ashes. But they must also remove the gold from the citizens so they, the citizens will have no choice but to except the NWO electronic currency for trade.

Now weather we have a chance to see gold go to $5,00 or $50,000 Oz. like many gold bugs predict? I wouldn't think the NWO will let that happen. They are to far ahead with their plans for total control of the markets since 2007-2008 crises. So, maybe one day the elite will say, there is no more gold or silver to sell to the public, this is already happening!! This very well could be part of the NWO plan to remove real money from the market!!

In the short term, I believe what Jim Rogers has been telling us the past 5 yrs about a correction, has shown him to be on course. That gold must have a techical correction on the chart back to $960/oz. and gold is close to that call. I won't quibble over a $20-$30 difference from Roger's call; any price below $1,000/oz. I would be a buyer. Everyone who isn't part of the elite should have a few coins tucked away for use on the blackmarket for emergency.

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