Message: Private Financing

Sourdough, you just made short seller (basher) mburns Christmas with that wonderful news. The greedy foolish basher thought he drove the final stake in the companies heart.

And you just gave us shareholders the most wonderful Christmas present with that news. I bought my first shares back in 2003?

Silverado Gold Mine may have lost several battles with the short sellers, but they did the company a service by making Tom B. write a 120 pg. plus NI43-101 report (most Jrs. only have approx 20 pgs.) that proves without a doubt that Garry is sitting on the mother load at Nolan Creek. I Thank God, Garry never gave up the battle for the company and its shareholders. It Would be good to see Garry finally win the war $$$

Hey shorties can you hear the clock... Tic-Toc-Tic-Toc KABOOM !!!

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