Message: QE4 - Helicopter Confetti Money Drop Coming Soon ?

One Of Richard Russell’s Last Major Warnings

February 29 (King World News) – Richard Russell“The Russell scenario: economic statistics come out and they are shockingly deflationary. The Fed and central banks around the world are shocked by the deflationary statistics. As a result, the world of central banks opened their spigots in a desperate attempt to hold back deflation and produce 2% of core inflation.

Massive make work programs as per the 1930’s (will be) put in place. With central banks around the world spewing forth currencies, there is a good chance that hyperinflation will make its entrance.

The stock market and the precious metals are already discounting my scenario.

Be prepared for some shockingly negative economic figures ahead. The Fed raising short rates is a fantasy that will not happen. A more likely occurrence will be the return of quantitative easing. My best to all my beloved subscribers. We’re seeing history being made.”

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