Message: QE4 - Helicopter Confetti Money Drop Coming Soon ?

Federal Reserve System To Hold Unexpected Meeting Under “Expedited Procedures” On Monday April 11, 2016 To Discuss Rates.


Feb 24, 2016

Jim Rogers Warns:

"Central banks will panic. They will do whatever they can to save the market, It’s artificial… it won’t work… there comes a time when no matter how much money you have, the market has more money."

"I don’t know if they’ll even call it QE (Quantitative Easing) in the future… who knows what they’ll call it to disguise it… they’re going to try whatever they can… printing more money or lowering interest rates or buying more assets… but unfortunately, no matter how much P.R. or whitewashing they use, the market knows this is over and we’re not going to play this game anymore."

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