Message: Mines Have Stripped All The “Low Hanging Fruit”

I still own my Silverado Gold Mines stock. But I made the decision awhile back not to buy another stock after seeing so much corruption in the markets. With banks and brokerage houses naked shorting stocks, and the U.S. government turning a blind eye to what has been going on, that was when I decided no more trying to invest my money in the markets were evil thugs with the likes of peon mburns and his minons lay-in-wait to steal innocent investor's money from them via shorting/naked shorting stocks.

"Fool Me Once, Shame On You!!! Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me." There won't be a second time for me. Not until the governement throws in jail mburns and other evil crooks of his kind.

The way I see it today, owning physical PMs takes the short sellers out of the equation. And as far as the crooks who keep taking PM prices down, well they are giving those who are accumulating physical PMs more oppurtunities to buy from the local coin shops in their neighborhood.


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