Message: Mainman- Thats The $64 Million Dollar Question

Feb 28, 2016 09:39PM
Feb 28, 2016 10:34PM
Feb 29, 2016 08:14AM

Mainman- Thats is a difficult question to answer, when will the minipulation end? to many variables to know when or what event will stop the Feds game. And yes, I have read what many of the Gold-Silver anaylists are saying; but my take/views on what will happen after the Feds game of minipulation of the PMs breaks is different. As I've mentioned before in previous posts, I look at what is happening to the PMs from a different perspective, looking at the bigger picture. And that is, I believe this whole game is rigged from the get-go. And I believe the Feds have the next plan sitting on their shelf ready to be put into action, once the minipulation of the COMEX fails. If this turns out to be the case, it will be a plan that PM investors who are looking to make a big profit selling at say $5,000 or $20,000 won't see those prices. Simply because the elite won't let that happen. Why? Because they want us to except and use the new currency that will be put into place soon. I hope I am wrong, but that is what I see coming.

I feel that those folks who invest in physical Gold and Silver for insurance against total ecomonic collapse, will be ahea of the game.

As Jim Rogers said, the dollar is in a mother of all bubbles that will emplode. Until that day happens, the Feds will do all in their power to keep Joe-Six-Pac from exchanging his fiat dollars to buy physical Gold and Silver bullion. Buying PMs isn't fueling the economy!!

But this game of minpulating the PM prices can't go on forever for several important reasons. First, the credit crunch has hit the mining industry really hard, with the shut down/mothballing of many Jrs. Secondly, the depletion of all the easy to find giant PM reserves around the world are close to being exhausted, S. Africa to name one area. The supply is limited.

I've come to the conclusion that this credit crunch (debt bubble) serves a hidden agenda, to give the elites control/ownership of all countries, which includes the take over of their natural resources and mining claims. Somebody is holding all those IOUs from all this easy credit expansion, and those lenders are going to want to be compensated = Gold or natural resources.

Those who make the laws, can change the laws...

And this is exactly what is distroying the U.S. economy, and the mining industry.

Ownership of physical PMs is the ONLY recourse we have at this moment in time, to protect our personal wealth. Real money that the naked short sellers can't take away from us. But that window of opportunity, my friends, is closing quickly. It appears by all the fact finding analysts, demand will outstrip supply soon.

Mar 01, 2016 05:10PM
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