Message: Historic Opportunity In Silver

SideNote: We will probably see the real show, an explosion to the upside in PMs once the commercial shorts are squeezed out of their positions $$$$ GRIM


Historic Opportunity In Silver

I would like to make a fairly definitive statement. With the latest ridiculous takedown of the silver price on the Comex last week, silver now represents a truly historic opportunity. As the present fiat currency system comes unglued, and I think that’s going to happen in the not-too-distant future, silver is going to absolutely explode in price.

I could envision a 10-fold increase from current prices, as the silver price skyrockets and the gold/silver ratio, which is currently at very elevated levels, collapses to historic lows, down around 10:1 or 15:1. Based on that premise, I don’t think one can buy enough physical silver at these prices, and don’t worry about any short-term pullbacks. Just get in there and buy what silver you can while you can.”

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