Message: Mainman- The Feds Meet this Week
Mar 13, 2016 10:41PM

Mainman, here are a few thoughts.

I would think the crooks will try to keep Gold-Silver capped in a narrow trading range until the Feds reveal their plans later this week.

Time will tell if the Feds decide to follow EU and England's lead with huge fiat $$ injection into their economies = bailout of their crooked-crony-capitalism buddies.

What has my attention, is the fact that the DOW 30 has climbed back to 17,213. I wonder if the stock market may know something about the Feds next move, more QE on the way?? or if the crooks are just trying to lure investors back to the stock market, steering them away from the PM markets??

The Feds may decide to wait another month or two before flooding the markets with more fiat $$ just in time for the Prez election in Nov.

Back in 2007 I did not see this coming, today there is no doubt in my mind that the crooks are bent on destroying the U.S. economy. Which will jepordize national security, and bring about civil unrest.

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