Message: $$ Helicopter Money $$ Central Banks Considering The Idea

Helicopter Money: Global Central Banks Consider Distributing Money Directly To The People

Michael Snyder | Economic Collapse - March 22, 2016

Faced with political intransigence, central bankers are openly talking about the previously unthinkable: “helicopter money”.

Should central banks create money out of thin air and give it directly to governments and average citizens?

If you can believe it, this is now under serious consideration.

According to the Telegraph, central banks are becoming increasingly open to employing a tactic known as “helicopter money”…

Faced with political intransigence, central bankers are openly talking about the previously unthinkable: “helicopter money”.

A catch-all term, helicopter drops describe the process by which central banks can create money to transfer to the public or private sector to stimulate economic activity and spending.

Long considered one of the last policymaking taboos, debate around the merits of helicopter money has gained traction in recent weeks.

ECB chief Mario Draghi has refused to rule out the prospect, saying only that the bank had not yet “discussed” such matters due to their legal and accounting complexity. This week, his chief economist Peter Praet went further in hinting that helicopter drops were part of the ECB’s toolbox.

All central banks can do it“, said Praet. “You can issue currency and you distribute it to people. The question is, if and when is it opportune to make recourse to that sort of instrument“.

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