Message: A New Digital Cash System Was Just Unveiled

Elites Call For a Ban on Physical Cash... in the U.S.A.


This week at the Davos Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland, and Nobel Prize winning economist Joseph Stiglitz all but said the exact same thing.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already removed 86% of his country's currency from circulation in an attempt to curb tax evasion, tackle corruption and shut down the shadow economy.

Should the US follow suit?


Joseph Stiglitz, Nobel Prize-winning economist, thinks so. Phasing out currency and moving towards a digital economy would, over the long term, have “benefits that outweigh the cost,” the Columbia University professor said on day one of the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos…

“I believe very strongly that countries like the United States could and should move to a digital currency,” he said, “so that you would have the ability to trace [tax evasion] this kind of corruption. There are important issues of privacy, cyber-security, but it would certainly have big advantages.”

Again… the War on Cash is not slowing down. India effectively removed 86% of the physical cash in circulation and no one was forced to resign.

Put simply, India signaled to the global elites that you can implement a near complete ban on physical cash, and there are no real consequences as far as political aspirations.


    $$$ GOT PMs $$$




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