Message: Marc Faber: Look For Helicopter Money, Not Rate Hikes

The Elite’s Master Plan for Global Inflation, Part II

(excerpts) The plan now is to have much larger budget deficits. The point is, if people won’t spend, the government will. When the government spends and deficit finances it, it will eventually produce inflation.

That plan is on the table. It’s discussed among the elites. It’s being advanced by all the big brains who work for the big think tanks, run by George Soros and the financial elite. These people don’t walk around with hoods around their heads. We know who they are. You just have to follow them to see what they’re up to.

But these elites are actually beyond the stage of calling for helicopter money. That’s already been decided. They’re now debating what they should spend the helicopter money on. They looking for the best way to reassure the public — meaning lie to the public — about what they’re actually up to.

The bottom line is that helicopter money is coming. I think inflation is too, either through helicopter money or increasing the gold price — or a combination of both. It may not happen overnight, but governments will ultimately get it if they’re determined enough.

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