Message: The New Gold Rush For Gold Vaults

All of us have know that Gold and Silver is real money. The naked shorts knew it too BUT they wanted Joe-Six-Pac to except digital fiat currency and shun PMs. While the corrupt elite started hoarding all the physical precious metals they could get their greedy hands on, while telling Joe-Six-Pac to do the opposite of what they are doing. We have been wittnessing the rush for gold vaults around the world which doesn't include the USA. While Joe-Six-Pac struggles trying to make ends meet. He is completely unaware of whats going on. BUT there are a few Joe-Six-Pacs out there who were wise and saw what was coming many decades ago, and they started collecting alittle-here-and-there over the years, until they have build up their very own little war chest.


The New Gold Rush For Gold Vaults

(excerpts) Negative interest rates and the populist uprising that spurred the UK to vote for Brexit and Americans to elect Trump has helped reignite a rush into physical safe haven assets like gold and silver, which however has led to a shortage of safe venues where to store the precious metals (unlike bitcoin, gold actually has a physical dimension). And now companies that operate storage facilities for precious metals and other valuables are ramping up their capacity to help cash in on the soaring demand for storage facilities.

Two firms told Bloomberg they’re planning to open vaults in Europe capable of holding more than 100 million euros ($112 million) in gold, offering customers lower costs than exchange-traded products and protection from rising prices.

As we reported last year, demand for vaults and other safe storage spaces among Swiss, German and Japanese buyers surged when one after another central adopted negative interest rates. Many older investors, worried their deposits might soon be taxed, opted to hoard money under the mattress – exactly what central bankers like Kuroda hoped wouldn’t happen.

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