Message: Re: GRIM

Aug 29, 2017 03:43PM
Aug 29, 2017 06:30PM

Aug 29, 2017 07:17PM
Aug 30, 2017 09:53PM

Fastfoot- Andrew and many other gold bugs have been yakety-yaking for over a decade now that the naked shorts are going to get whats coming to them and the markets will return back to a free market, but nothing ever happens. They continue to run free at will naked shorting the PM markets. Like Joe says, it really dosen't matter now, the naked shorts already screwed us out of our dollars.

I believe in free market and believe that currencies should be backed by PMs to make them sound money. So I agree with what the gold bugs are saying, but its the bad guys who are pushing towards a NWO and digital curreny that are in TOTAL CONTROL OF MARKETS AND GOVERNMENTS.



Sep 01, 2017 08:54PM
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