Message: Re: China Should Start Own Sovereign Digital Currency

Yeh, now you know why pres nixon went to visit China, to open the financial doors of business to help the communsit build their power so they will rule the world. Remember the communist party and the ultra rich both have one thing in common, they both think a like, they want it all, money and power. That is the big picture the gold bugs don't disscus.

Regarding the fiat currency that currently exists in the world today, it will end soon.

And shortly we will have a NWO digital currency. And the croney elite will do their best to take away all the gold and silver from the Joe Six-Pacs of the world who are hoarding it under their beds. This way Joe Six-Pac will have no other alternative but to submite to the NWO digital currency 666 to trade or to have access to food or to the controlled social health care and etc. Most of the pieces of their plan are falling into place. That is the big picture folks

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