Message: US, China Said To Near Deal To Avert Trade War

I agree, talk is cheap. Thats why I quit llistening/reading all the gold bug over on 'King World News' because they have been talking the past 10-12 yrs how PM prices will skyrocket to the moon today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and it never happens.

With all the QE interventions and all the debt accumulating quickly around the world, one day all the economies will come crashing down together. That usher in the NWO digital currency.

I agree with the Gold Bugs, that the price of PMs should be much hire then they are now. But as long as there are central banks around the world working together, they will keep working together to suppress the PM markets real value so the communist can steal all of it for a fraction of the price. The communist countries will keep hoarding all the PMs until they control all the real wealth.

Those who control the purse strings, the central banks, will control the world. That has been the communist plan for along time. Setting up central banks in each country is/was part of the communist plan. Now you know who the central banks are working for!! And it isn't  Joe-Six-Pac.

And that my friends is the big picture the gold bugs don't look at.

And thats the GRIM REALITY of the matter

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