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Re: sobering

in response to by
posted on Mar 08, 2008 12:14PM

Well, that scared the bajeebers out of me. Made me want to hit the jewelry store and stock up on some gold. And I guess we should all head for the big wholesale stores and stock up on canned and boxed goods. A woodstove would be nice, too. I could cut down all the 300 year old oaks in my yard. And of course, all the kids and grandkids will have to move back in just like what happened to my grandparents during the last depression. All the relatives moved in with them because they had a 16 room house.

How many flakes of gold to you suppose a loaf of bread will cost? I'll have to learn a whole new monetary system using real gold or silver. Does anyone have a scale? Maybe we could just use little postage scales to make it easier to carry around.

I know I'm being silly, but it's just an attempt to make myself feel less anxious. It's not really so far fetched.

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