Message: Warning Gold Options Expiry is Thursday

Warning Gold Options Expiry is Thursday

posted on Mar 26, 2009 12:07AM
[Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A quick warning for gold investors that April gold option expiry is this Thursday so expect JP Morgan and the Cartel to ensure the price is managed (lots of holders of $900 and $925 calls that need to be fleeced by the Banksters). For calls, there's 7838 open at 900, and 13,287 total between 925 and 900. For puts there's 5134 open at 900 and 8,577 total open between 925 and 900. They are clearly incentivized to keep gold below 925 by Thurs close, but the ideal situation would be a close right at 900. If they can't get either of those done, look out above.

If you are looking to enter gold on the long side it may be a good time to take advantage of the quarterly discount provided by JP Morgan et al.

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