Message: Important advice from CIGA - Ken the Wise

Important advice from CIGA - Ken the Wise

posted on May 30, 2009 05:44AM

Words Of Wisdom From Ken The Wise

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Dear CIGAs,

I totally and fully endorse his words to the degree that I respectfully ask you to print them out and paste them on your trading platform, TV, bulletin board, tooth brush and refrigerator

An Open Letter to the Gold Community From "Ken the Wise:"

Dear CIGAs

In the spirit of preparedness and in order to help save our Captain of JSMineset from months of undue stress and strain from anxious community members in fear, over zealousness, hubris, or sorrow related to gold, please be attentive to the following themes or guidelines.

1. You know that gold is going to break the old highs from last year in the start of a wave 3 breakthrough - a most powerful move. You know that this move is happening now. The targets are known: $1089, $1224 and $1650. Alf holds open the possibility of an over-run to $3500 in this phase. Now through June is the timeframe for gold to breach and hold the new highs. It is going to be a hot gold summer.

2. Please do not try and trade, get cute, time or mess around with these targets. No one really knows exactly, and the surprises may well be to the upside. The idea is to know in general what to expect, be positioned in safe gold vehicles and keep your arms and legs inside the safe vehicle at all times. Enjoy the ride, don’t LOSE YOUR POSITION in a gold bull market. Read JSMineset archives if you have trouble understanding what are safe vehicles or if you want to find out how best to insure your financial survival. Buy a Compendium - it’s all there for you on two disks.

3. Illegal short selling is dwindling, hedge funds are loaded long on gold and gold shares. Hold on to your traditional and royalty gold shares and relax. Expect some volatility.

4. Expect the news headlines, talking heads, and the Cramers to come pouring out of the woodwork as gold makes new highs! Expect the banter, the clang of disinformation, the scare tactics and the mental attacks of holding a winning position. Mentally focus yourself now on a winning attitude that will get you through these challenging times.

5. Expect BIG news surprises in gold, both taken initially as good news, and likewise bad news. Remember, any announcements about large gold sales are really bullish, as they show gold moving to strong hands to the East. Some of these sales have already been made and the announcement is nothing but the realization of that sale being closed.

6. The gold community has gone through many months of being beat down by illegal short selling, dirty tricks against small gold companies, and negative press against everything gold. The fact that gold seems to have been held back during these economic challenges when gold and gold shares should be further ahead, also has been a psychological burden, a negative pressure. So as things begin to go gold’s way - the challenge is to stay grounded and centered and not get propelled into the emotion that waits us: Greed.

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