Message: Bash - not much that's positive in the following list

Bash - not much that's positive in the following list

posted on Aug 07, 2009 06:32AM


(redirected from bashers)
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v. bashed, bash·ing, bash·es
1. To strike with a heavy, crushing blow: The thug bashed the hood of the car with a sledgehammer.
2. To beat or assault severely: The police arrested the men who bashed an immigrant in the park.
3. Informal To criticize (another) harshly, accusatorially, and threateningly: "He bashed the . . . government unmercifully over the . . . spy affair" (Lally Weymouth).
v.intr. Informal
To engage in harsh, accusatory, threatening criticism.
1. Informal A heavy, crushing blow.
2. Slang A celebration; a party.
[Origin unknown.]
basher n.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Updated in 2009. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

bash Informal
1. to strike violently or crushingly
2. (foll. by into)to crash into
1. a heavy blow
2. have a bash Informal to make an attempt [origin unknown]

Collins Essential English Dictionary 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2004, 2006

ThesaurusLegend: Synonyms Related Words Antonyms
Noun 1. bash - a vigorous blow; "the sudden knock floored him"; "he took a bash right in his face"; "he got a bang on the head"
blow, bump - an impact (as from a collision); "the bump threw him off the bicycle"
2. bash - an uproarious party
party - an occasion on which people can assemble for social interaction and entertainment; "he planned a party to celebrate Bastille Day"
Verb 1. bash - hit hard
hit - deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument; "He hit her hard in the face"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2008 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
verb hit, break, beat, strike, knock, smash, punch, belt (informal) crush, deck (slang) batter, slap, sock (slang) chin (slang) smack, thump, clout (informal) whack (informal) biff (slang) clobber (slang) wallop (informal) slosh Brit. (slang) tonk (informal) lay one on (slang) beat or knock seven bells out of (informal)

Collins Essential Thesaurus 2nd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2005, 2006

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bash [bæʃ] n I'll have a bash (at it) → lo intentaré vt (col) → golpear
bash up vt (col) [+ car]; destrozar: [+ person]; aporrear, vapulear
Collins Spanish Dictionary & Grammar 4th Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 1997, 2000, 2004, 2006
bash [bæʃ] vt (inf) → frapper, cogner
n I'll have a bash (at it) (Brit) (inf) → je vais essayer un coup;
bashed in adjenfoncé(e)défoncé(e)
bash up vt (inf) [+ car]; bousiller: (Brit) [+ person]; tabasser
Collins French Dictionary & Grammar 5th Edition 2007 © HarperCollins Publishers 1997, 2000, 2004, 2006, 2007
bash [bæʃ] (inf) vtschlagen, hauen
n I'll have a bash (at it) (Brit) → ich probier's mal
bash up vt (car) → demolieren;
(Brit) (person) → vermöbeln
Collins German Dictionary & Grammar 5th Edition 2007© HarperCollins Publishers 1997, 1999, 2004, 2006, 2007
bash [bæʃ] vt (col) → picchiare
n I'll have a bash (at it) (BRIT ) (col) → ci proverò;
bashed in adjsfondato/a
bash up vt (col) [+ car]; sfasciare: (BRIT) [+ person]; riempire di or prendere a botte
Collins Italian Dictionary & Italian in Action 3rd Edition 2006 © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 2005, 2006
v bash [bӕʃ]
(sometimes within) to beat or smash (in) The soldiers bashed in the door. slaan, moker يَضْرِبُ بِعُنْف удрям praštit, mlátit hamre; slå ind einschlagen τσακίζω echar abajo, a golpes forzar sisse lööma محکم زدن؛ کوفتن murskata, lyödä défoncer, enfoncer לְהַכּוֹת प्रहार tresnuti beüt mendobrak, menampar reka roknahögg, berja; brjóta niður sfondare ぶんなぐる 부딪치다 sumušti, sugurinti, išlaužti dauzīt; triekt memecahkan inslaan slå (inn), hamre løs walnąć, wgnieść arrombar a bate/a lovi (în) колотить udrieť, mlátiť vdreti provaliti slå, drämma ชนอย่างแรง parçalamak 猛擊 бити, сильно ударяти پٹخنا ، زور سے مارنا đánh mạnh
1 a heavy blow a bash with his foot. slag ضَرْبَةٌ عَنيفَه удар rána, šupa voldsomt slag; stort slag heftiger Schlag δυνατό χτύπημα porrazo hoop ضربۀ شدید murskaava isku coup מַכָּה חֲזָקָה प्रहार udarac, tresak erős ütés hantaman, tamparan högg, skellur colpo 強打 강타 smūgis stiprs sitiens; trieciens menghentam dreun voldsomt slag walnięcie pancada lovitură сильный удар úder hud udarec jak udarac våldsamt slag การชน darbe 猛擊 удар زور سے مارنا cú đánh mạnh
2 a dent a bash on the car's nearside door. duik, opfrommel ضَرْبَه ، طَعْجَه вдлъбнатина promáčklina bule; dunk die Beule βαθούλωμα, χτύπημα abolladura mõlk جای ضربه؛ فرو رفتگی lommo bosse מַכָּה फोड़ना udubina horpadás penyok beygla ammaccatura へこみ 움푹 들어간 곳 įlenkimas (trieciena atstāts) iespiedums remuk deuk bulk wgniecenie amolgadela îndoitură вмятина buchnuté miesto vdrtina udarac märke, buckla รอยบุ๋ม çentik 凹痕 вм'ятина ڈینٹ ،گڑھا vết lõm
bash on/ahead (with)
to go on doing something especially in a careless or inattentive way In spite of his father's advice he bashed on with the painting. opdons يَنْدَقِع في عَمَلِ شَيئ правя нещо невнимателно dál se patlat s, babrat se (s) fremture; fortsætte hensynsløst etwas zu tun unbekümmert fortfahren συνεχίζω να κάνω κτ. απρόθυμα ή/και απρόσεχτα continuar haciendo de manera negligente edasi vusserdama بدون علاقه کاری را انجام دادن jatkaa tuhertamista continuer à faire qqch. de façon négligente לְהַמְשִיך ללא זְהִירוּת लापरवाही से चोट करना nemarno nastaviti fejébe vesz vmit meneruskan seenaknya halda skeytingarlaust áfram að gera e-ð (continuare a fare qualcosa) がむしゃらにし続ける 성급하게 추진시키다 dirbinėti, knebinėtis, terliotis niekoties meneruskan tanpa berfikir panjang doorgaan met holde hensynsløst , ture fram robić coś bez zaangażowania, pozbywać prosseguir a continua; a o ţine tot aşa продолжать в том же духе babrať sa (s) malomarno nadaljevati nastaviti rad gå på i samma stil, gå på i ullstrumporna ทำอย่างไม่สนใจ bir işi baştan savma yapmak 蠻干 шкварити لا پروائی سے دے مارنا hấp tấp 蛮干
have a bash at
to make an attempt at Although he was not a handyman, he had a bash at mending the lock. probeerslag يَقومُ بِمُحاوَلَةٍ опитвам pokoušet se forsøg versuchen επιχειρώ κτ. intentar, probar üritama امنحان کردن yrittää s'essayer à לְנָסוֹת कोशिश करना pokušati megpróbál vmit berusaha gera tilraun við, reyna provarcisi 試みる 시도하다 pamėginti pamēģināt cuba even proberen gjøre et forsøk próbować tentar a încerca (să) сделать попытку pokúsiť sa poskusiti se pokušati försöka [] พยายาม denemek 試作某事 намагатися; робити спробу کوشش کرنا gắng làm

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