Message: HL addition / voting / update

HL addition / voting / update

posted on Oct 21, 2009 08:11AM

Other than fastfoot, nobody else has publically come forward requesting the "assigment", for which there have been 3-4 yes votes publically, and I will cast my YES vote right now for fastfoot.

I have been selected twice to be a HL, here and EDIG, both of which the voting was done publically, Agora notified, then they asked me via PM/e-mail if I would accept the assingment, and once confirmed, the addition was made. On my other board (EDIG) we have made many HL changes, and it has been done publically each time.

These forums are Agora's property, but they are OUR boards...the members boards, and although I respected Cooky's suggestion and still do, to have anyone who wanted to vote for the names that came forward by all, we have now put Agora/Andreas in the middle so to speak.

What do the member want to do now?

If you prefer to PM me, I will keep the communications 100% private.

Again, the purpose of an addition, is to have coverage as much as possible.

Regards, Dischino.

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