Message: US Generals Planning for Resource Wars

Don't you think that is what it is all about now?????? OIL ! (AT LEAST THATS WHAT STARTED IT) This ongoing "war" has close to 1 million casualties, all with fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, childrenand extended families and friends who all have now become enemies of the country responsible for their death. The United States. It all started because Saddam Hussain was going to quit accepting $$$ dollars for OIL. Not because of WMD's! 9/11/2001 ? Does anybody really know, besides the obvious, what happened? And who was behind it?? Only what we hear or are told? Does that mean it is true? Roosevelt knew 3 months in advance Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked, just not when. And why did the Japanese attack? Roosevelt put a Naval barricade around Japan to prevent any imports, especially OIL ! Don't believe it? Read the book " Day Of Deceit" by Robert Stinnett. Roosevelt knew this would incite the Japanese to attack us, thus leading to our entry into WW II, and in the process get the US economy going again making Ships, Aircraft, and whatever it takes to keep the military supplied during a war. Too bad all the manufacturing has left this country, we won't be able to do this again. Our ammunition is already being made overseas. Resource Wars are an impending Reality. jmho, koala

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